Friday, January 06, 2006

Along Came a Man.

We spend years subconsciously searching for the person who is meant for us. We meet people we'd love to get to know and we meet people we wish we would have never met. Relationships come and go, some end in good terms, others leave us devastated. We break hearts and get our own heart broken. Then one day, when you least expect it, and right out of the blue, the right person comes along. The one that gives you butterflies in your stomach just thinking about them, the one that makes your toes curl and every muscle in your body contract when you see them. It may not be obvious at first, but then they just grow on you and you wonder how you ever lived without them. Then they do something that totally blows you away and brings you to your a good way.

For the past several years I have been dreaming about, and actively planning a year long trip around the world. I had been saving for a few years and I was ready to set off this April. Then just under 10 months ago I met Matt. At first we were planning on still doing the trip and he'd join me but once we got engaged we decided it wouldn't be the healthiest thing to put a brand new marriage through so we postponed it. It was originally my idea but I never quite came to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be going on this trip like I had planned.

I kept bringing it up every now and then. Even though I am thrilled to be marrying this man, deep down, I still long for the opportunity to go on such a journey. We are still planning on going on the trip but it will have to wait at least a couple of years so we can save enough money to actually do it. Last night I was having a particularly bad case of wanderlust. We got to talking about the trip and what it would take for us to go on it. Something like that isn't exactly cheap. Matt knows how important this is to me and he said something that touched so much that I had tears streaming down my face. He said that he would stay behind and work while I traveled if it was that important to me. He said we could meet between jobs. He said he'd do that for me because he knows how important it is for me and he wants me to be happy and he will not let me give up my dreams. Of cause, I would never do that. I would never leave him behind to fulfill my travel fantasies, but just the fact that he would do that for me is just mind-blowing.

Now I realize that I in fact want to share that adventure with the man I love. I want to share that adventure with the person that cares enough to sacrifice his own wanderlust just because he wants to make me happy and see my lifelong dreams come true. I can't think of a better person to go on such a journey with, or a better person to spend the rest of my life with. He makes me the happiest I have ever been and he understand me better than anyone else ever has. I am just so lucky to have found such a great man and I am even luckier that he wants to marry me too :)


Blogger L2 said...

What a great story!

4:38 PM  
Blogger Kiyoko Gotanda said...

A very sweet, touching story. Good luck with everything!

11:21 PM  

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