Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tidying up

When you live in a room that is roughly 12 by 12 and have a closet about 1/4 of that size, it is very hard to find a place for everything. Not hard, impossible, specially if you have a lot of stuff. I have lived in such a room for the past 2+ years and let me tell you, stuff can pile up. We have weekly room inspections so the main room has to look somewhat tidy. Come Wednesday night, I usually just relocate stuff from the room to the closet. So, in the long run, the closet becomes so full of crap you can't close the door. That was my closet earlier today. I am in the process of moving so I knew I had to clean it out and actually make sense of the mess. It was a task I had been putting off for a very long time but I just had to suck it up and do it.

After a long day, with several Pepsi, shopping or food breaks, I did it! This is what my closet looks like now. I would have taken a before picture but I could only open the door just enough to barely squeeze in. I really regret having left it get like that but I have so much stuff that there really wasn't any other place for it......and I am not exactly a neat freak. Granted, those few boxes full of packing peanuts could have gone months ago. I am not exactly sure why I kept them but I did. There were peanuts all over the dang floor. I also have a habit of doing laundry, folding it and putting it in plastic bags and shoving them in the closet. That made for many interesting finds. Clothes I hadn't seen in months. I finally figured out where all my socks and underwear had gone. There were also several pairs of shoes buried under the heaps.

I put all the stuff in proper storage containers so now it's all organized. Now that I've done that, I feel accomplished. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it tidy for a couple of weeks until the movers come and take everything away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I'm seriously impressed!!! :D

Wanna come over and tidy my room for me? ;P

7:04 PM  

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