Saturday, May 12, 2007

On The Floor, In The Round.

For some reason, I have been into Michael Jackson a lot late, specially "Billie Jean". I have had it stuck in my head for weeks. I downloaded it from iTunes and listened to it lots. A couple of weeks ago, Matt bought me a couple of MJ CD's and I listened to it some more. I even watched the video on YouTube. It's like a mini obsession I just can't get enough of. It's weird, I know. Well, today, on the way back from the mall, we were driving and guess what came on the radio........"Billie Jean"! It's not just that I am seeking it out, it even pops up when I am not! It's crazy, crazy, crazy!

All of this has of course, had me thinking about Michael Jackson himself. Personal issues aside, the man is a performer like no other. He's second to none at what he does and no one can take that away from him. He can sing like no other, dance like no other and put on a show like no other. I mean, how many singers can you name that had a single enter the charts at #1??? That's right, just Michael Jackson.

So, the man has issues.....but then again, don't we all?


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