Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shopping, Shopping and More Shopping.

It's been a busy weekend! On Friday, in hopes of staying up after a night shift so I could get back into sleeping at night, I went shopping in Oxford Street. I shopped until I very nearly dropped. It's still a mystery to me how I was able to stay awake for so long and not just collapse in the middle of H&M. I was shopping for well over 5 hours and in all that time I only walked up and down two blocks once and bought just 4 pieces of clothing.

On Saturday Matt and I decided there was still more shopping that needed to be done. We went in search of smart trousers for him and anything for me. We walked up and down the mall and came away with his stuff and only a pair of yellow jelly flats, some white skinny jeans and a top for me. For a woman, I'm a pretty lame shopper! Unless it comes to shoes of course.

After all that shopping, we dressed up and went to dinner at an American style diner/bar in Covent Garden. The food was pretty good and the place had a party atmosphere which I suppose is why it's so popular, specially for hen nights/bachelorette parties.

Today there was even more shopping but this time it was for garden supplies. Seeing that the strawberries are blooming and the carrots are actually growing, I decided to try my luck with other fast growing veggies and herbs. We bought some grow bags to plant in because pots are just too expensive. As for plants, we bought a pack of 9 young cabbage plants, some herbs and a balcony hanging pot to plant them in.

We came home and planted the cabbages in one bag and in the other we sowed some romaine lettuce seeds and mixed lettuce seeds. If all goes well, we should be eating lettuce in a month or so. We could only plant 3 cabbages in one grow bag so tomorrow I'm going to get more bags to plant the rest of the cabbages. The herbs; rosemary, sage, parsley and chives; only took up a bit of the pot so I'll get either more herbs or a couple small tomato plants tomorrow to fill the gap.

I can't wait till all this stuff is ready to eat!

This is what the carrots look like now.

The "garden" The plastic pot is the carrots. The middle bag is romaine lettuce on the left hand side and mixed lettuce on the right. The bottom bag is the cabbages.

Close up of the cabbages.


What the strawberry plants look like now.


Blogger chaindropz said...

I have never seen a grow bag. I may try that. You should come to my blog and see how my potting system works. I call it a swamp pot. I picked my first (very small but ripe) strawberry to day. We are having a freeze tonight and I had to move all my plants into the garage for the second time this year.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

was it hard to leave them all behind? I am always surprised to hear that herbs grow in England..

11:55 PM  

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