Monday, September 11, 2006

Where Were You?

My husband came home from work and asked me "Do you remember where you were on September 11th 5 years ago?"

I do remember, I remember every bit. I was in Hospital Corps School in Great Lakes, Illinois. We were in class when one of our other instructors came in and told us "New York City is being attacked" as he turned the classroom TV on. We watch as the first tower burned, then, in horror, we watched as the second plane. A little while later, we watched as the towers collapsed, first one and then the other. We were stunned.

Then came the craziness. Those who had family in NYC were allowed to call them. Speculations were abundant, all the way from "we are going to war" to "oh god, they are going to bomb the school house". The reasoning behind that last statement was that they figured if someone wanted to weaken the forces, they would go for the medical personnel first and since we were in the spot where said personnel was trained, they'd go for us next. The fact that the school house was round and had a big red cross painted on the roof, made us a bull's eye. I suppose we were just scared and naive and at that point, anything was possible in our minds.

After all the craziness settled a bit, class resumed but we finished early cause no one could really concentrate and we were glued to the TV anyway.

I suppose that is a day that most of us remember quite well. Where we were, what we were doing, what went through our heads. Who could ever forget?


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