Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold

In my five years in the Navy I have learned many things. For instance, there is just no happy medium, it's either all or nothing, no gray. Take the showers in these barracks I am currently staying at. Sometimes the water is fine when you first get it, that is its tactic for luring people into its vicious flow, and then it goes really cold and no matter what you do or how much you turn the know it just doesn't get warm. Other times it gets boiling hot and you feel like a potato getting prepped for mash. This morning it came with a twist. I got in and it was nice and warm, and it stayed like that for a while, until I lathered my hair up then it got really really hot, then really really cold, the really really hot, then really.........well, you get the drift. To make matters worse, when someone flushes a toilet the showers make a spitting-like sound and the water stops for a fraction of a second and comes back. Just one more shower here......that's all I have to endure.

"Work" is still cake. Show up at 8:30 am, say "here" when they call my name and leave. Why didn't I get a job like that before??? I want my money back! However, I must admit that not having anything to do but sit around all day is not fun either, at least when I am not home and don't have my own entertainment. Just one more day like that and then I'm outta here.

Today I woke up with the wedding to-do list on my mind. There is just so much to do and it seems I just won't have enough time and I'll be running around like a chicken with the head cut off. I had a long "chat" with Matt about writing his vows, but we won't go into that because it's a sticky subject. I made the appointment for my first dress fitting, made reservations for the rehearsal lunch and booked the limo. This is the most productive day I've had in a while. Still, that's only 3 things down, got a long way to go yet.


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