Saturday, February 18, 2006

There And Back

Things are still boring around here. The forecast said we were supposed to get 1 inch of snow and ice today. It was overcast this morning when I woke up, just like yesterday so since yesterday turned into such a nice day, I thought I'd go do something anyway. I drove one hour to Jamestown Settlement. When I was almost there, it started raining and eventually snowing. I got the parking lot and it was virtually empty. I didn't even get out. It looked very unpromising so I just turned around and drove back. I was disappointed to say the least. Once back on base, I decided to take a drive by the pier where the ships are moored. There's a lot of them and man, they are big! I didn't wanna look like terrorist just driving around, scoping things out so I came back to the barracks. It has been raining on and off all day which pretty much kills any chance of being able to do anything other than stay indoors and be bored. I have processed some pictures from yesterday and read a bit, but that's it. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day and if Monday is nice, I may try to go back to Jamestown Settlement.


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