Saturday, July 15, 2006

Not Much Excitement

I haven't really been doing much in the past few days. I called a couple bridal shops yesterday about leaving some promo material there and one of them said OK so I dropped it off today. Then I made Matt help me make some sense of the office/second bedroom which was a mess. Now most things are in their places on my desk. I had been wanting to get my studio set out and up to practice a little now that we have no furniture and have enough room. I was bored today so I made Matt help me bring it up from the garage. It took us a while to set it up so we didn't actually get many pictures done. I will try again tomorrow when we are dressed properly. I get my next birthday present tomorrow, in 23 minutes if I'm lucky! LOL So I am going to stay up a little while longer.

We saw the Pirates of the Caribbean last night, finally. It was a good movie but I think the real reason we wanted to see it was because we visited the Port Royal set when we were in St Vincent in April. Seeing the movie was like being there all over again. We recognized the bay, the set, the mountains, everything...Except for the communications tower they cloned out LOL. It wasn't a bad movie, an while I will not give out any spoilers, I will say that it is VERY obvious there will be a 3rd installment.


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